Green Screen Video Tips

From TikTok effects to Zoom backgrounds — green screens are utilized more now than they’ve ever been before, allowing anyone the option to virtually place themselves in any location. Whether you’re using a green screen to create a fun backdrop for a virtual meeting, or you want to a realistic illusion, here are a few things to consider.

Be strategic with your clothing.

Unless you want to appear as a floating head, avoid wearing green while using a green screen. It’s also important to be mindful of your accessories. Does the plastic on your glasses reflect the green screen? When green is reflected off your accessories, you’re likely to end up with undesirable results.

Use proper lighting.

It’s very important to make sure the green screen itself is evenly lit. The final product of green screen use is much more realistic and effective if the subject is also properly lit. That way the subject stands out against the background.

Know what background you want to use before you start shooting.

Knowing what you want in the background, like a building exterior or office interior, before shooting allows the videographer to choose the correct talent pose, camera position, lens and lighting.

For example, if you’d like to appear on a mountain top, the videographer might want to shoot upward while the talent looks down at the camera to capture the correct perspective.

No matter what your goal, these simple green screen tips can not only save you a lot of headaches during the editing process, but they can also make it easier to take your video to the next level.

At Gefen Productions your story matters and we’d love to help you tell it. View our photography and videography portfolio or drop us a line for more information on how we can help you reach your video production goals.